In a recent survey by HSBC (Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation), there were some synergies with my interview responses in relation to cost of living and Education.
Singapore has been rated in many surveys of late, as the number one Asian country of choice to raise a family for expatriates - no secret here.
In this latest poll, many respondents made reference to the fact that they had seen improvements in their child or children's results whilst being enrolled in the Singapore education system.
Many were also very impressed by the cost of living (relatively) in Singapore. In my experience, although housing and the rental market seems to be up and down (more up over the last couple of years, than down - watch this space) and to run a motor vehicle can be expensive, basic food items, transportation, etc and nearly all other essentials are very affordable in relation to wages and in comparison to many other countries in the region.
The HCBC report ("The Offshore Offspring Report") was the second in a three-part study that the international bank has conducted.
"The research, called the "International Expat Explorer Survey", will be used to 'gain insights into expatriates' experiences so that the bank will be able to better tailor specific solutions that match their needs'."
Overall, Singapore ranked fifth among 14 countries globally - number one in Asia.
Spain was considered the best location to raise a family, closely followed by France, Germany and Canada.
In terms of education and academic performance, Singapore scored third place globally. More than 40 per cent of respondents stated that their kids studied more since becoming expats here.
When it comes to finances and cost of living, Spain and Germany were tied as the cheapest locations to bring up children. In Asia, Singapore took out third spot - India first and China second.

Compared to India and China, many things related to raising a child are more expensive in Singapore, such as school fees, but one must also take into account the quality of the system.
Australia topped the category of encouraging an outdoor lifestyle. More than 75% of expat parents say that their children lead a more active lifestyle there, compared to just 50% in Singapore. The republic came in 5th in this category.
The final report will be available at the end of the year, and will make statements on expats' ability to integrate into their host country.
I think the security here is good yeah? don't have to worry about guns and all that...
hey you're up for omy blog awards, impressive! =)
G'day Ally - spot on!! Singapore is very, very safe. Can even walk down the road to the local food court for a midnight snack with absolutely no fear... I don't think this could be possible in many other cities or countries.
As for making the Top 10 in the OMY blog awards - it's quite humbling really. Getting shortlisted in these Singapore awards and signing the 'Offer to Purchase' on our own apartment here (both in the same week) really makes me feel at home :D
I mean "Option" to Purchase, of course... :)
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