
Friday, May 9, 2008

The "Conspiracy" that is "The Empire of the City (World Superstate)" - Full Video

I am not a conpiracy theorist by any means... I make no recommendations nor opinions on this video - readers can make up their own minds - I do always get chills when I see the planes hitting the twin towers though - I visited Ground Zero in NYC on the 1st anniversary of this tragedy...

Anway - here we go...

QUOTE - "City of London + City of Vatican + City of columbia are the 3 independant states within states wich composes the empire of the city. The first is financial control over earth economy, the second is religion control over the earth and the third one is military control over the earth. Together they make the very unholy trinity which forms the egyptian pyramid that we can see on the back of the privately owned federal reserve note that is used as american dollar to maintain the colony in debt and under the Queen. Many people realize that this mystifying situation, in which an alleged democratic and self-governing nation is actually controlled against the will of the people, is a clear indication that there must be a very powerful and well-financed occult organization which plans and directs world affairs, and for lack of a more specific identification thie suspected secret organization is popularly referred to as the International Financiers, Banksters cartel or "The Crown Corporation"


Neon Tetra (Paracheirodon innesi) said...

lol.. sounds quite different from the conspiracies in the National Treasure movie

Aussie Pete said...

... haha - or the "Davinci Code"... :D